Saturday, April 17, 2010

How to Get My Wife Back

Learn How to Get My Wife Back—>> Click Here

Standing by, helplessly, and watching your marriage fall apart can drive you practically crazy.  If that is what is happening to you and your marriage and you want to know 'how to get my wife back" than you'll be happy to know that there is a chance you can find a way to fix what's gone wrong in your marriage.  It may take time, and it might not be easy, but there are things that you can do.

It doesn't really matter too much if your marriage is already over, or just on the rocks, some of these tactics can help you save it and make it better for both of you.

1. Who are you?  Are you really still the man your wife met and fell in love with?  Are you the man you really want to be?  Now is a great time for you to take stock of all the things you've said and done and what part you've played in the marriage falling apart.  I know it's much easier to blame your partner, and I'm sure she's not perfect, but you can't change her only she can.  The only person you can change is you so that's where you need to concentrate your attention.  Make yourself the best 'you' you can be and more often than not the rest will fall into place.

2. Give her breathing room.  It's natural to feel like you have to get her back right away or she might meet someone else and you'll lose her forever.  But the reality is quite different.  Most people won't fall in love with another person soon after their relationship has ended, they can't, they will still have feelings for their ex even if they don't want to admit it.  Give your ex some time and space and she will come to realize how much she misses you.  If you're too clingy and needy you'll just push her away.

3. Take time to catch your breath.  Going through a breakup is extremely emotionally exhausting.  Take some time to get your focus back before you decide to rush back to your ex.  You both need this time to gather yourself and figure out what exactly you want.  This isn't the time for running around and hooking up with other women, but rather a time for you to regain yourself and your balance after going through a very tough period of your life.

4.  Don't talk your ex to death and try to convince her of the new you.  Instead show her the new you.  Be the kind of man that she fell in love with, or even an improved version of that guy.  Use your actions to show her you're better.  Being an attentive dad, assuming you have kids, is a great way to show your ex that you're a man that she could love again.  Just make sure that you don't fall into the trap of becoming manipulative.  Showing your ex what a great guy you are will only work if you really are the guy you're trying to convince her that you are.  Don't play games.

Whether you and your wife have actually divorced or if the two of you have just drifted so far apart you feel like you've lost her, there are things you can do to make the marriage strong again.  The tips listed above will be a great starting point and will answer your question "how to get my wife back?"

Learn How to Get My Wife Back—>> Click Here


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Jerry Standefer
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